Looking to create engaging and effective lessons that reach all your students?
This free Google Docs template makes designing lessons with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles a breeze.
This lesson plan template helps you build flexibility into your instruction, ensuring every student has the opportunity to excel.
This template guides you through the process, prompting you to consider multiple means of representation, action & expression, and engagement.
Template Highlights:
1. General Information
- Lesson Name
- Subject
2. Standards
- CCSS Standard(s) (or equivalent depending on your curriculum)
3. UDL Guidelines
- Multiple Means for Representation
- Multiple Means for Action & Expression
- Multiple Means for Engagement
4. Lesson Logistics
- Materials
- Time
5. Lesson Activities
- Learning Activities
- Warm-Up
- Introduction to Skill
- Guided Practice
- Independent Practice
- Assessment
6. Additional Notes
- Lesson Notes:
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