5E Lesson Plan Template

5E Lesson Plan Template

Planning engaging lessons that stick?

This free Google Doc template, built on the powerful 5E Instructional Model, is your secret weapon!

This lesson plan template guides you step-by-step through each stage of the 5E model, providing clear prompts and examples to help you craft effective activities for any subject and grade level.

Template Highlights:

1. Teacher Name

2. Date

3. Subject

4. Grade Level

5. Topic

6. Lesson Duration

7. Learning Objectives

  • Knowledge: What students will know (e.g., Define photosynthesis).
  • Skills: What students will be able to do (e.g., Describe the process of photosynthesis).

8. Materials

  • List all materials needed (e.g., projector, plant, worksheet).

9. Differentiation

  • Briefly describe how you will differentiate the lesson (e.g., provide graphic organizers for visual learners, offer tiered activities).

10. Stage: Engage (Hook)

  • Description: Capture attention and activate prior knowledge (5-10 minutes).
  • Activities:
  • KWL Chart: Students brainstorm what they Know, Want to Know, and Learned about plants.
  • Do Now: Students draw a picture of a plant and label its parts.

11. Stage: Explore (Investigation)

  • Description: Provide hands-on exploration of the topic (15-20 minutes).
  • Activities:
  • Group activity: Students conduct a simulation of photosynthesis using baking soda, vinegar, and a balloon.

12. Stage: Explain (Direct Instruction)

  • Description: Clearly explain key concepts and vocabulary (10-15 minutes).
  • Activities:
  • Teacher presents a diagram of the photosynthesis process and explains each step.
  • Interactive lecture: Teacher asks questions and encourages discussion about the importance of photosynthesis.

13. Stage: Elaborate (Application)

  • Description: Allow students to apply their learning (15-20 minutes).
  • Activities:
  • Problem-solving task: Students create a model to demonstrate the process of photosynthesis.
  • Case study: Students analyze the impact of deforestation on the process of photosynthesis.

14. Stage: Evaluate (Assessment)

  • Description: Assess student learning throughout the lesson (Ongoing).
  • Activities:
  • Observe students’ participation and engagement during activities.
  • Exit ticket: Students answer a quick question about the key concept.
  • Summative assessment: Students complete a quiz or project to demonstrate their learning.

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5E Lesson Plan Template

5E Lesson Plan Template

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