Planning engaging lessons that stick?
This free Google Doc template, built on the powerful 5E Instructional Model, is your secret weapon!
This lesson plan template guides you step-by-step through each stage of the 5E model, providing clear prompts and examples to help you craft effective activities for any subject and grade level.
Template Highlights:
1. Teacher Name
2. Date
3. Subject
4. Grade Level
5. Topic
6. Lesson Duration
7. Learning Objectives
- Knowledge: What students will know (e.g., Define photosynthesis).
- Skills: What students will be able to do (e.g., Describe the process of photosynthesis).
8. Materials
- List all materials needed (e.g., projector, plant, worksheet).
9. Differentiation
- Briefly describe how you will differentiate the lesson (e.g., provide graphic organizers for visual learners, offer tiered activities).
10. Stage: Engage (Hook)
- Description: Capture attention and activate prior knowledge (5-10 minutes).
- Activities:
- KWL Chart: Students brainstorm what they Know, Want to Know, and Learned about plants.
- Do Now: Students draw a picture of a plant and label its parts.
11. Stage: Explore (Investigation)
- Description: Provide hands-on exploration of the topic (15-20 minutes).
- Activities:
- Group activity: Students conduct a simulation of photosynthesis using baking soda, vinegar, and a balloon.
12. Stage: Explain (Direct Instruction)
- Description: Clearly explain key concepts and vocabulary (10-15 minutes).
- Activities:
- Teacher presents a diagram of the photosynthesis process and explains each step.
- Interactive lecture: Teacher asks questions and encourages discussion about the importance of photosynthesis.
13. Stage: Elaborate (Application)
- Description: Allow students to apply their learning (15-20 minutes).
- Activities:
- Problem-solving task: Students create a model to demonstrate the process of photosynthesis.
- Case study: Students analyze the impact of deforestation on the process of photosynthesis.
14. Stage: Evaluate (Assessment)
- Description: Assess student learning throughout the lesson (Ongoing).
- Activities:
- Observe students’ participation and engagement during activities.
- Exit ticket: Students answer a quick question about the key concept.
- Summative assessment: Students complete a quiz or project to demonstrate their learning.
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