Are you looking for a free official girlfriend application form?
There are tons of free forms available on the internet, but most websites that offer this template allow you to fill out the form online for free. However, you will often be asked to create an account if you want to print or download the completed form.
Some websites directly offer a PDF file that you can fill out by hand, but what if you want to add your own fields or include more fun elements in the form?
That’s why I’ve created this official girlfriend application form, which is completely editable, requires no sign-up, and best of all, it’s 100% free!
How to Use the Form
To use the form, simply click the “Get this template” button below the preview images.
You will be directed to the template page—then click on the “USE TEMPLATE” button to make a copy for yourself.
Note: You need to have a Google account to make a copy.
From there, you can start filling out or editing the form. You can also print the form as is and fill it out by hand.
Please note that if you are filling out the form on Google Docs, the checkboxes under Section 3: The Deal Breakers are clickable—simply click on the box to check it. The checkboxes in other sections are not clickable.
If you want to insert a checked box, click in the location where you want to add it, go to Insert > Special Characters, and type “ballot” in the search box. Then, select the checked box from the left-hand panel to insert it into the document.
The Official Girlfriend Application Form
The Official Girlfriend Application offers a playful tongue-in-cheek form that adds to the modern-day romance glossary.
Unlike any other personality quiz, this application is unique: it is a lighthearted yet detailed form conceptualized to burrow deep into compatibility and get a full view of who the applicant is, what they like, and what happens in their past.
Filling out this form might not guarantee romance, but it will certainly make for a memorable experience!
This application form has the following sections:
- The Basics
- Full Name
- Current Residence
- Nickname
- Age
- Eye Color
- Natural Hair Color
- Current Hair Color
- Height
- Weight
- Contact Information
- Home Phone
- Cell Phone
- IM Name (Service specified, AIM preferred)
- The Deal Breakers
- Yes/No Questions on:
- Gender history
- Smoking or tobacco use
- Alcohol consumption
- Illegal substance use
- Tattoos
- Regular whistling
- “Beth Justin Approved” actions
- Non-ear piercings
- Gauged ears
- Legal convictions
- Yes/No Questions on:
- Getting to Know You
- Current Level of Education
- Religious Affiliation
- Political Persuasion and explanation
- Siblings’ names and ages (if applicable)
- Favorite Movie
- Sci-fi and pop culture interests
- Distraction by shiny objects
- Favorite musical genres
- Favorite sport and team
- Skiing/snowboarding interest
- Income source
- Thoughts on time travel
- Facial expressiveness
- Short Answer
- Self-description using adjectives and nouns
- Perfect date description
- Characteristics of interest in the position
- Why you should be chosen as a girlfriend
- Special skills relevant to the position
- Relationship Background
- Details of past three relationships:
- Boyfriend’s name
- Start and End dates
- Relationship role (Dumper/Dumpee)
- Reason for breakup
- Details of past three relationships:
- References
- Three references with contact information (Phone, IM, Email)
- Certification
- Declaration of truthfulness and permission for verification
- Applicant’s signature and date
The Official Girlfriend Application Form (Black & White)

The Official Girlfriend Application Form (Color)