23 Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs

I design a lot of templates for Google Docs, and recently, when I was creating the rent receipt template for Google Docs, I wanted to enter the receipt number in the top right corner.

Rent Receipt Template for Google Docs

The font used for the receipt number in the above image is “Special Elite”. I have altered the font color to red to enhance its realistic appearance.

But I wanted to make it look as if it were typed on a typewriter. This is when I started exploring the Google Docs font library.

After hours of searching, I found 23 fonts that look quite similar to a typewriter font. And in this article, I have listed all 23 typewriter fonts that I found so that you don’t have to waste your time searching.

I have also attached a screenshot of each font so that you can easily choose the font of your choice.

Also, it is worth noting that using these fonts in your Google Docs is not straight-forward, so I have also written a short tutorial on how to use these typewriter fonts on your documents.

After you choose your desired font, simply scroll down to the tutorial section to learn how to use the selected font.

Also read: 35 Best Cute Fonts on Google Docs

The Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs Are:

1. Special Elite

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-1

2. Courier Prime

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-2

3. Courier New

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-3

4. Cousine

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-4

5. Courier

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-5

6. Lekton

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-6

7. Syne Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-7

8. Jetbrains Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-8

9. Kosugi Maru

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-9

10. Anonymous Pro

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-10

11. Inconsolata

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-11

12. Roboto Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-12

13. Source Code Pro

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-13

14. M Plus 1 Code

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-14

15. Cutive Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-16

16. M Plus Code Latin

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-16

17. Overpass Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-18

18. Fira Code

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-19

19. Averia Serif Libre

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-19

20. Fragment Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-20

21. Sometype Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-21

22. IBM Plex Mono

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-22

23. Space Grotesk

Best Typewriter Fonts for Google Docs-23