27 Most Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

Crafting beautiful Google Docs templates is my passion, and sharing them for free on this blog brings me joy.

But ensuring each template is complete and user-friendly takes time and effort.

However, one aspect often proves surprisingly challenging: choosing the right font.

The right font is crucial for a document’s visual appeal. A formal document like a Bill of Lading demands a professional font, not a playful script.

To streamline this process, I created a categorized Google Sheet listing fonts by style for my personal use.

This article shares my resource to help you save time and select the aesthetic font for your Google Docs documents. I’ve even included screenshots for easier visualization.

Looking for typewriter fonts? Check out this article!

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

Here are the top 10 Aesthetic fonts on Google Docs:

(For a more in-depth look, scroll down to see how each font looks in action.)

  1. Roboto
  2. Montserrat
  3. Poppins
  4. Oswald
  5. Raleway
  6. Playfair Display
  7. Work Sans
  8. Quicksand
  9. Libre Baskerville
  10. Pacifico

Here is the Complete List of Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs:

1. Roboto

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

2. Montserrat

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

3. Poppins

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

4. Oswald

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

5. Raleway

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

6. Playfair Display

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

7. Work Sans

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

8. Quicksand

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

9. Libre Baskerville

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

10. Pacifico

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

11. Satisfy

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

12. Great Vibes

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

13. Old Standard TT

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

14. Josefin Slab

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

15. News Cycle

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

16. Poiret One

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

17. Cabin Condensed

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

18. Economica

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

19. Newsreader

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

20. Reddit Mono

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

21. Belleza

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

22. Podkova

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

23. Darker Grotesque

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

24. Italiana

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

25. Nixie One

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

26. Solway

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

27. Pompiere

Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs

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